EQuine Measuring Kit

EQuine Measuring Kit


We package everything you need to make tracings of your horse in our EQuine Measuring Kit - all you need is the horse!

Use this kit to make accurate tracings of your horse’s body to start a Two-Week Test Ride, or to chart your horse’s back so that you can track changes in shape and musculature by measuring again at regular intervals.

The EQuine Measuring Kit includes:

  • A Flexible Curve - A flexible and “bendy” measuring tool that enables you to capture the contours of your horse's back.

  • Graph paper - In the required 11” x 17” size that makes capturing and sending your tracings with your phone a breeze.

  • Oil Pastel Crayon - for marking your horse temporarily at the tracings locations

  • Black Marker - for tracing your horse’s shape onto the graph paper.

You will also need our EQ Tracings and Scan Guide: Step-by-step instructions for making perfect tracings, links to video tutorials, and the directions to download a free app and scan your finished tracings so that you can send them right from your phone. With the purchase of your measuring kit, you’ll be emailed the instructions.

Gathering this information about your horse will take you less than 30 minutes, and will let us custom-fit a saddle in our workshop for your Two-Week Test Ride!

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